- 8269Do not use mobile phones, Mobile Phones Prohibited - Prohibition Sign
- 8091No eating or drinking within this area
- 8252In case of fire Do not use the lifts - Prohibition Sign
- 8276Do not use lift in case of fire - Prohibition Sign
- 8143Do not use lift in the event of fire
- 8272Do not use mobile phones - Prohibition Sign
- 8226No use of cameras - Prohibition Sign
- 8315No Photography - Prohibition Sign
- 8292Do not use ladder - Prohibition Sign
- 8286Do not use ladder - Prohibition Sign
- 8291No eating or drinking - Prohibition Sign
- 8287Not drinking water - Prohibition Sign
- 8086Not drinking water - Prohibition Sign
- 8002No transmitting device - Prohibition Sign
- 8003No radio transmitters - Prohibition Sign
- 8223No Radios - Prohibition Sign